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Silver Needle/Bai Hao Yin Zhen, white tea


An exciting, velvety-soft and delicate flavour paired with an ivory-coloured, fragrant infusion. An enchanting experience.

For this unique speciality from the Chinese district of Fujian only unopened buds are picked and processed. If possible, this tea should be infused in a glass pot. After a short time something terrific starts to happen: the silvery leaves sink to the bottom and shortly afterwards straighten up and "stand" erect. An exciting, velvety-soft and delicate flavour paired with an ivory-coloured, fragrant infusion. An enchanting experience.

Preparation guidelines:

Use 10g of tea (approx 8 tsp) for 1 l of water at the temperature of 900C. Allow to infuse for 5 minutes. Strain and serve.

Country of origin: China


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